Stylized blockquotes, an updated builder function for <blockquote>.

blockquote(..., source = NULL, align = "left")



Any number of tags elements or character strings passed as child elements or named arguments passed as HTML attributes to the parent element.


The quote source, use tags$cite to format the source title, defaults to NULL.


One of "left" or "right", defaults to "left".

See also

Other components: alert(), badge(), card(), collapsePane(), d1(), dropdown(), img(), jumbotron(), modal(), navContent(), popover(), pre(), toast()


### Simple example blockquote( "Anyone can love a thing because.", "That's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket.", "But to love something despite.", "To know the flaws and love them too.", "That is rare and pure and perfect.", source = list( "Patrick Rothfuss,", tags$cite("The Wise Man's Fear") ) )
#> <blockquote class="blockquote"> #> Anyone can love a thing because. #> That's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. #> But to love something despite. #> To know the flaws and love them too. #> That is rare and pure and perfect. #> <footer class="blockquote-footer"> #> Patrick Rothfuss, #> <cite>The Wise Man's Fear</cite> #> </footer> #> </blockquote>