A showcase banner, good for front or splash pages.

jumbotron(..., title = NULL, subtitle = NULL)



Tag elements passed as child elements or named arguments passed as HTML attributes to the parent element.


A character string specifying a title for the jumbotron, defaults to NULL, in which case a title is not added.


A character string specifying a subtitle for the jumbotron, defaults to NULL, in which case a subtitle is not added.

See also

Other components: alert(), badge(), blockquote(), card(), collapsePane(), d1(), dropdown(), img(), modal(), navContent(), popover(), pre(), toast()


### Landing page welcome jumbotron( title = "Welcome, welcome!", subtitle = "Here we are showcasing the very showcase itself.", tags$p( "Now let's talk more about that superb new feature." ) )
#> <div class="jumbotron"> #> <h1 class="display-3">Welcome, welcome!</h1> #> <p class="lead">Here we are showcasing the very showcase itself.</p> #> <hr class="my-4"/> #> <p>Now let's talk more about that superb new feature.</p> #> </div>