ComponentsBuild out your user interfaces. |
Alert boxes |
Badges |
Blockquotes |
Cards, blocks of content |
Collapsible panes |
Dropdown menus |
Headings |
Group and label multiple inputs |
Responsive images and figures |
Jumbotron |
Modal dialogs |
Navigation bar |
Navigation panes |
Popovers |
Scrollable code snippets |
Toasts |
DesignCustomize components and inputs. |
Selected choice color |
Position |
Background color |
Border color |
Display property |
Float |
Font color, size, weight |
Height |
Margin and padding |
Vertical and horizontal scroll |
Shadows |
Width |
InputsGet information from the user with reactive inputs. |
Button group inputs |
Button and link inputs |
Checkbar input |
Checkbox and switch inputs |
Chip inputs |
File inputs |
Form inputs |
List group inputs |
Menu inputs |
Page navigation inputs |
Radio inputs |
Radiobar inputs |
Range input |
Select inputs |
Text inputs |
LayoutBuild user interfaces for devices of all sizes. |
Grid layout |
Flex layout |
Input labels, help text, and formatting to inputs |
Understanding responsive arguments |
UtilitiesAssorted tools for more possibilities. |
Dynamic content |