Button inputs are useful as triggers for reactive or observer expressions.
The reactive value of a button input begins as NULL
, but subsequently is
the number of clicks.
buttonInput(id, label, ..., stretch = FALSE, download = FALSE, tooltip = NULL) updateButtonInput( id, label = NULL, value = NULL, disable = NULL, enable = NULL, tooltip = NULL, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain() ) linkInput(id, label, ..., stretch = FALSE, download = FALSE, tooltip = NULL) updateLinkInput( id, label = NULL, value = NULL, enable = NULL, disable = NULL, tooltip = NULL, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain() ) tooltip(..., placement = "top", fade = TRUE)
id | A character string specifying the id of the reactive input. |
label | A character string specifying the label text on the button or link input. |
... | Additional named arguments passed as HTML attributes to the parent element. |
stretch | One of |
download | One of |
tooltip | A call to |
value | A number specifying a new value for the button, defaults to
disable | if |
enable | If |
session | A reactive context, defaults to |
placement | One of |
fade | One of |
To remove a button or link input's tooltip pass an empty tooltip,
, to updateButtonInput()
or updateLinkInput()
Other inputs:
### A simple button buttonInput( id = "button1", label = "Simple" )#> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-grey" type="button" role="button" id="button1" autocomplete="off">Simple</button># Alternatively, a button can fill the width of its parent element. buttonInput( id = "button2", label = "Full-width", fill = TRUE # <- ) %>% background("red")#> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-red" type="button" role="button" id="button2" fill="TRUE" autocomplete="off">Full-width</button># Use design utilities to further adjust the width of a button. buttonInput( id = "button3", label = "Full and back again", fill = TRUE # <- ) %>% background("red") %>% width("3/4") # <-#> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-red w-3/4" type="button" role="button" id="button3" fill="TRUE" autocomplete="off">Full and back again</button>### Possible colors colors <- c( "red", "purple", "indigo", "blue", "cyan", "teal", "green", "yellow", "amber", "orange", "grey" ) lapply( colors, function(color) { buttonInput( id = color, label = color ) %>% background(color) %>% margin(2) } ) %>% div() %>% display("flex") %>% flex(wrap = TRUE)#> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap"> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-red m-2" type="button" role="button" id="red" autocomplete="off">red</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-purple m-2" type="button" role="button" id="purple" autocomplete="off">purple</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-indigo m-2" type="button" role="button" id="indigo" autocomplete="off">indigo</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-blue m-2" type="button" role="button" id="blue" autocomplete="off">blue</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-cyan m-2" type="button" role="button" id="cyan" autocomplete="off">cyan</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-teal m-2" type="button" role="button" id="teal" autocomplete="off">teal</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-green m-2" type="button" role="button" id="green" autocomplete="off">green</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-yellow m-2" type="button" role="button" id="yellow" autocomplete="off">yellow</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-amber m-2" type="button" role="button" id="amber" autocomplete="off">amber</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-orange m-2" type="button" role="button" id="orange" autocomplete="off">orange</button> #> <button class="yonder-button btn btn-grey m-2" type="button" role="button" id="grey" autocomplete="off">grey</button> #> </div>### Reactive links div("Curabitur ", linkInput("link1", "vulputate"), " vestibulum lorem.")#> <div> #> Curabitur #> <button class="yonder-link btn btn-link" id="link1">vulputate</button> #> vestibulum lorem. #> </div>### Stretched buttons and links card( header = "Card with stretched button", p("Notice when you hover over the card, the button also detects ", "the hover."), buttonInput( id = "go", label = "Go go go", stretch = TRUE ) %>% background("blue") ) %>% width(20)#> <div class="card w-20"> #> <div class="card-header">Card with stretched button</div> #> <div class="card-body"> #> <p class="card-text"> #> Notice when you hover over the card, the button also detects #> the hover. #> </p> #> <button class="yonder-button btn stretched-link btn-blue" type="button" role="button" id="go" autocomplete="off">Go go go</button> #> </div> #> </div>### Download button buttonInput( download = TRUE, id = "download1", label = "Download", icon("download") )#> <a class="yonder-button btn btn-grey shiny-download-link" type="button" role="button" href="" _target download id="download1" autocomplete="off"> #> Download #> <i class="fa fa-download"></i> #> </a>