A stylized checkbox input. The checkbar input appears similar to a group of buttons, but with a checked or highlighted state.

checkbarInput(id, choices = NULL, values = choices, selected = NULL, ...)

  choices = NULL,
  values = choices,
  selected = NULL,
  enable = NULL,
  disable = NULL,
  session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()



A character string specifying the id of the reactive input.


A character vector or list of tag element specifying the input's choices, defaults to NULL.


A vector of values specifying the values of the input's choices, defaults to choices.


One or more of values specifying the input's default selected values, defaults to NULL.


Additional named arguments passed as HTML attributes to the parent element or tag elements passed as child elements to the parent element.


One of values specifying particular choices to enable or TRUE specifying the entire input is enabled, defaults to NULL.


One of values specifying particular choices to disable or TRUE specifying the entire input is disabled, defaults to NULL.


A reactive context, defaults to getDefaultReactiveDomain().

See also


### Default checkbar checkbarInput( id = "cb1", choices = c("When", "Why", "Where") )
#> <div class="yonder-checkbar btn-group btn-group-toggle d-flex" id="cb1" data-toggle="buttons"> #> <label class="btn btn-grey"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="When"/> #> When #> </label> #> <label class="btn btn-grey"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="Why"/> #> Why #> </label> #> <label class="btn btn-grey"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="Where"/> #> Where #> </label> #> </div>
### Modifying background color checkbarInput( id = "cb2", choices = c("What", "Which") ) %>% background("teal")
#> <div class="yonder-checkbar btn-group btn-group-toggle d-flex" id="cb2" data-toggle="buttons"> #> <label class="btn btn-teal"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="What"/> #> What #> </label> #> <label class="btn btn-teal"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="Which"/> #> Which #> </label> #> </div>
### Labeling a checkbar formGroup( label = "Toppings", checkbarInput( id = "fixins", choices = c( "Sprinkles", "Nuts", "Fudge" ) ) )
#> <div class="form-group"> #> <label>Toppings</label> #> <div class="yonder-checkbar btn-group btn-group-toggle d-flex" id="fixins" data-toggle="buttons"> #> <label class="btn btn-grey"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="Sprinkles"/> #> Sprinkles #> </label> #> <label class="btn btn-grey"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="Nuts"/> #> Nuts #> </label> #> <label class="btn btn-grey"> #> <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" value="Fudge"/> #> Fudge #> </label> #> </div> #> </div>